Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tools Review

II had to use 3 out of 5 of the selection tools: Eliptical Marquee, Quick Selection, Magnetic Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, or Magic Wand. I used the Eliptical Marquee, Quick Selection, and MAgnetic Lasso. We also had to use Refine Edge, Layer Mask, and Quick Mask.
I used the quick selection too and copy and pasted it to a new background after I refined the edge. Then I added a layer mask to the object. Then I added another picture and used the magnetic lasso tool, and then added another layer mask. Thrn I added another picture and used the eliptical marquee tool. THen I used the quick mask to get the white away from the yoga balls.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pop Art Pictures

I took these pictures inside and outside of my house, and outside when my neighbor was playing basketball.

Pop Art

I used the channel mixer and threshold tool. I used the eyedropper tool, Dodge and Burn tools also. I also added the Halftone Pattern Filter. I created this by turning it first, and then adding the channel mixer and threshold tools. Then I just picked colors and painted the flowers. I made different layers for each color.

Pop Art Examples

Pop Art is an art movement that utilized the imagery and techniques of pop culture.
The first picture stood out to me because of the background design and the colors. I like that there were only three colors, and I thought that the girl stood out from the background.
The second picture stood out to me because I like dogs a lot and because of the colors.
The third picture stood out to me because of the colors; I really like bright and bold colors. I also like the way the shoes are arranged. I think because it is so simple, it is very compelling and fun to look at.
The fourth picture stood out to me because I liked how cartoon-y it looked and I thought it was a good advertisement.
I would replicate the bold and bright colors of some of these pictures into my own work.

Change My Look

I chose Sandra Bullock because she is one of my favorite actresses. I used the color balance tool to change her eyes and hair. I used the brush tool for her hair, and I used the Polygonal Lasso tool. I took the pictures of my partners outside behind the school. My partners were Liam and Meredith.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Layer Masks

I blended a landscape picture, with a sunset sky picture, and then a big tree. I added the house, dog, and cow into the picture. I used the layer mask tool, eraser tool, and move tool.

Magic Wand

I used the Magic Wand tool, free transform tool, and then I rearranged layers. I created a dog.

Crazy Combos

I made a Ring-Tailed Llog that is waiting to cross a bridge. I used the text layer, blur and smudge tool, magnetic lasso tool, free transform, and the magic wand tool.

All About Me

I made a collage of images that describe me. I used the quick selection tool, magic wand tool, text tool, rectangular marquee tool, copy and paste, and magnetic lasso tool.